• Each initial visit will incorporate a thorough evaluation and assessment of your injury or ailment as well as an exercise/mobility prescription. Each visit provides you with an hour of 1-on-1 time to appropriately identify, treat, and plan out a route towards meeting your specific goals or eliminating your pain. Depending on your goals, this may also incorporate video analysis or biomechanical assessment of specific movements to help further hone in on the optimum treatment plan for you.

  • When appropriate, dry needling may be used as a tool to help alleviate soreness, improve blood flow to affected tissues, and release tension within musculature to help alleviate pain and improve motion.

  • I.A.S.T.M. may be used to aid in recovery and improve mobility in point specific areas determined through evaluation of your functional mobility.

  • In order to help improve blood flow and mobility to affected areas, dynamic cupping techniques may be utilized to improve your pain levels and aid in recovery specific to deep layers of muscle and fascia.

  • If no active injury, we can turn up the intensity to make sure you’re getting the most out of your workouts and training to be more effective in the gym or on the field.

  • With appropriate screening and intervention, spinal manipulation (also known as “adjustment”) can facilitate decreased pain levels, improved range of motion, and overall increased function specific to the area you need.